New LogicalDOC Mobile App for Android

LogicalDOC is pleased to announce the release of LogicalDOC Mobile App for Android
This application allows you to connect to a remote LogicalDOC, managing folders and documents using your Android smartphone or tablet.
Among other functions, this App allows you to browse the document repository, upload multiple documents or camera images from the device, handle multiple accounts, stream videos without having to download them, provides thumbnails for image type documents.
It also allows you to interface with all commercial and open source versions of LogicalDOC DMS 8.5.2
LogicalDOC Mobile requires the Android 10 operating system, and for this the old application remains available to support devices with older operating system. The Android App is a free application, you don't have to pay anything to download and use it.
You can download the App from your mobile device by searching for 'LogicalDOC Mobile', or from Google Play at the following address: