This document management system plugin, once installed and activated, allows you to integrate LogicalDOC (both community and commercial editions) in Wordpress CMS. It allows you to expose in a controlled way a portion of the document repository in WordPress, allowing folder browsing, document downloading and full-text search
Through this Wordpress extension, it will be easy to publish the documents in a secure environment on a local area network (Intranet) or remote (Extranet). A document in LogicalDOC can be an item in your wordpress. You upload documents in certain folders of your documents repository and the documents will also appear in given pages of your website. By using the security policies you can decide what contents will be published so you can avoid the publication of sensible informations like reserved files or email addresses.
Through this Wordpress extension, it will be easy to publish the documents in a secure environment on a local area network (Intranet) or remote (Extranet). A document in LogicalDOC can be an item in your wordpress. You upload documents in certain folders of your documents repository and the documents will also appear in given pages of your website. By using the security policies you can decide what contents will be published so you can avoid the publication of sensible informations like reserved files or email addresses.
Benefits of this feature

- Ability to automatically publish files of any format in your website. Add a new document in a specific folder and it will be published as Wordpress content.
- Give your users an easy way to use a web filing cabinet and benefit of a search engin
- Useful in situations of project document management or file management
Feature details

- Ability to connect to whatever local or remote LogicalDOC instance
- Display LogicalDOC's document table in Posts or Pages
- Browse the content of folders with breadcrumb facility
- Sort by different metadata
- Perform full-text searches
- Download unlimited number of documents
- Ability to password protect access to a specific resource and reuse the LogicalDOC's permissions system
- Expose a restricted section of the document repository starting from a specific node (upload files in LogicalDOC and display them in Wordpress)
- Customizable user interface and file types filter
- Possibility of real-time filter the contents of a folder or a search
- Access wp document revisions
- Free version
- Wordpress plugin with administration integrated in wordpress admin